July 31st, 2007 by Aurora.This needs no comment from me. I’m appalled and nauseated:BERLIN, July 30, 2007 - Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government’s Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children as young as 1 to 3 years of age. Two 40-page booklets entitled “Love, Body and Playing Doctor” by the German Federal Health Education Center (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung - BZgA) are aimed at parents - the first addressing children from 1-3 and the other children from 4-6 years of age.“Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex,” reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, “The child touches all parts of their father’s body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same.”HAT TIP: Conservative ThoughtsUpdate: BERLIN, July 31, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - After severe criticism from German and Polish parents, medical and psychological experts the German government's Ministry for Family Affairs has pulled two booklets aimed at parents of toddlers and young children which advocated parent-child sexual massage. In addition to encouraging fathers to massage their infant daughter's private parts, the documents encourage unlimited masturbation.Link:Thanks to Crow in comments.
Posted by KG at 6:34 AM
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Nonsensical comments and trolling will result in something you may not expect.
They pulled it: http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2007...l/07073105.htmlCrow 08.01.07 - 8:44 am #
"Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex..."A sense of pride in their sex?Why then is it that so many disturbed women turn out to have been molested by their fathers or other male relatives? I consider myself pretty broad-minded, and after my time in NSW Police, I am probably harder to shock than the average person, but this disgusts me in several ways.Phil Stephenson 08.01.07 - 3:56 pm #
You know Phil, i'd like to turn the vermin that dreamt this stuff up over to you and some fellow coppers to 're-educate' in the back of a paddy wagon.I'm sure you blokes would be able to use some old-school methods to get them back on the right track. MK Homepage 08.01.07 - 4:22 pm #
Nah MK, send them over hereCops are not allowed to go as far as the would need to and I have no qualms about doing the most horrendous and obscene things to the human filth who are responsible for this.Like Phil said - I too am pretty open minded and hard to offend but this...I am pretty much lost for words about how disgusted I amTiberius Homepage 08.01.07 - 4:39 pm #
I never said anything about what they're allowed to do or not to, didn't say anything about not allowing you to join in either.In fact, if they are squeamish, they can keep watch while you conduct those most important stress tests on the various parts of the human body.MK Homepage 08.01.07 - 4:54 pm #
You need an expert in um...coercive techniques.Will work for beer. kg Homepage 08.01.07 - 5:09 pm #
"Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex..."Dear God in heaven. . .I have two (young) daughters. I'd kill anyone who went anywhere near them with this shit on their minds (let alone me).Grotesque. . .James Ozark Homepage 08.02.07 - 1:03 am #
Disgusting!I too, shock less easily than most (I used to work in a sex offender's prison wing)These subhuman scum need gassing- but try mentioning THAT in Germany!Oswald Bastable Homepage 08.02.07 - 6:23 am #
"These subhuman scum need gassing- but try mentioning THAT in Germany!"Um, no.Crow 08.02.07 - 9:02 am #
I'm with you OB, gas their ass.MK Homepage 08.02.07 - 9:25 am #
WTF?AD 08.02.07 - 10:15 am #
KG wanted me to comment here. Can't say much. Certainly not a policy I would endorse or take part in.KG, do you hold me somehow responsible for this just because you call me a "leftist"? Perhaps you think I have connections with comrades in the Ministry or something. What is your point?Damian Homepage 08.02.07 - 12:18 pm #
"Certainly not a policy I would endorse or take part in."Whoo! That's some powerful condemnation from the Lefty!ar 08.02.07 - 1:26 pm #
But only after being pushed and cajoled into it AR.MK Homepage 08.02.07 - 2:24 pm #
"KG wanted me to comment here. Can't say much. Certainly not a policy I would endorse or take part in."No I didn't--I merely observed that you hadn't.You need some remedial comprehension instruction there, Damian.kg Homepage 08.02.07 - 3:41 pm #
"Perhaps you think I have connections with comrades..."The only connections you have with comrades would be genital-to-anus and you can spare us the details.kg Homepage 08.02.07 - 3:43 pm #
If they can fix the moral compass, the rest will take care of itself.MK Homepage 08.02.07 - 4:52 pm #
This just sick beyond words.BetsyinAmerica 08.03.07 - 4:56 am #
Sorry, AR. How's this?"This is AN OUTRAGE! I am DISGUSTED! I am going to vent my spleen on countless blogs just to show how much I really care!"Better?KG, you are once again displaying the laughable childishness that has me coming back for more. In stitches.Damian Homepage 08.03.07 - 8:29 pm #
PS KG, there are hundreds of posts I have not commented on. OMFG!Damian Homepage 08.03.07 - 8:41 pm #
What's with the "F" in "OMFG"?And you talk about tasteless...Panday Homepage 08.03.07 - 9:57 pm #
He's a lefty Panday--they're tasteless and ignorant by necessity, since they lack the equipment to be otherwise.My guess is little Damian is either a student or engaged in some utterly non-productive occupation, which allows him (if "him" is quite the right term for a testicle-free lefty dweeb) to float through life untouched by reality.Sad, really....kg Homepage 08.04.07 - 6:19 am #http://awesternheart.blogspot.com/2007/08/german-government-recommends-incest-and.html
domenica 9 marzo 2008
domenica 2 marzo 2008
Child Prostitution
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Czech Republic
[ Country-by-Country Reports ]
The Czech Republic [map], located in central Europe, is bordered by Slovakia (E), Austria (S), Germany (W), and Poland (N). Prague is its capital and largest city. The Czech Republic is one of the most stable and prosperous of the post-Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe. Growth in 2000-04 was supported by exports to the EU, primarily to Germany, and a strong recovery of foreign and domestic investment.
CAUTION: The following links and accompanying text have been culled from the web to illuminate the situation in Czech Republic. Some of these links may lead to websites that present allegations that are unsubstantiated, misleading or even false. No attempt has been made to validate their authenticity or to verify their content.
ECPAT – On-line form for reporting child prostitution and other sexual offences against children
Quick Search for Missing Children - Select Gender, Czech Republic, and Years Missing
UNICEF - Country Statistics
National Plan of Action
U.S. Dept of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs
GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND PROGRAMS TO ELIMINATE THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR - The Government adopted the National Plan Combating Commercial Sexual Abuse in July 2000, and the Interior Ministry’s Crime Prevention Division launched a national media campaign on the dangers of trafficking, and a school-based awareness program for children aged 13 to 14 years.
INCIDENCE AND NATURE OF CHILD LABOR - The popular press and government reports indicate that commercial sexual exploitation, including the involvement of children in sex tourism, is a problem. There are some reports of internal trafficking of Czech children from areas of low employment near border regions with Germany and Austria. In addition, girls from the former Soviet Union, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East are trafficked to the Czech Republic for sexual exploitation
Bur of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor - Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2005
CHILDREN - Children were engaged in prostitution for survival without third party involvement. NGOs have reported that many teenage prostitutes were either runaways or products of orphanages and the foster care system. Some NGOs asserted that orphanages did not prepare young teens adequately to be self‑sufficient upon reaching legal adulthood. A special police team was formed in 2004 specifically to deal with the sexual exploitation of children in Cheb, a town on the German border where sex tourism was a problem.
Male adolescents, some as young as 13 years old, engaged in prostitution for survival. NGOs that worked with these children attributed the problem to a dysfunctional foster care system that failed to provide adequate job skills for a modern economy while preventing unwanted children from being adopted by capable parents.
Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) - 2003
[60] The Committee welcomes:
(a) The establishment in spring of 2002 of a trilateral Czech-German-Polish working group to address, inter alia, trafficking in human beings, in particular the sexual exploitation of children for prostitution occurring in these areas;
(b) The information contained in the State party’s report (paras. 334 and 335) on social, preventive and re-socialization programs for victims of sexual exploitation, as well as the adoption in July 2000 of the National Plan to Fight Commercial Sexual Abuse of Children and amendments to the Criminal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure made in 2002;
(c) The significant work done by NGOs in this field.
The squalid truth about call girl lit
When Aneta was offered a job across the border from her Czech village, she jumped at the chance. The pretty 17-year-old was to be a nanny for a rich family. Petr, the handsome man who recruited her, promised she would travel with them to London, America even. "You'll get to practise your English," he joked. The next day Aneta, along with ten other local girls, met Petr on the edge of their village, handed over their passports and climbed into a waiting people carrier. It was to be the longest journey of their lives.
Hours later when the van came to a juddering halt, instead of a family, a group of rough-looking men were waiting. They had guns and dogs, which they used to bundle the girls, some as young as 14, out of the van and into a dank cellar where they ordered them to strip naked and stand in line. The men moved along the line grabbing the women roughly, inspecting their teeth, their breasts and between their legs. The girls were crying. "We were just horseflesh," Aneta recalls. Each was dragged from the room at gunpoint and gang raped. Within days they were smuggled across Europe to work in brothels.
Joint East West Research on Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes in Europe: The Sending Countries [PDF]
[page 33] A phenomenon in the Czech Republic, described by the NGO ENYA, is the so-called "gayfriendly family houses", where sex tourists can rent rooms and along with the room they get a prostituted minor boy. Many young boys also travel abroad for short periods with tourists from Austria, Germany, Greece and other places. Clients are described in the report as mostly ‘normal’ citizens, average men, from all social classes, but mainly middle class. There is a special group of clients who are paedophiles, and they come from all over the world, but are mostly German. The Czech Vice Squad says that ‘very high’ prices are paid by paedophiles for prostitutes who are less than 15 years of age. The purchase of very young children for €20,000 is mentioned in the research. But some children are paid with sweets or toys.
Clients get information from the Internet, and from personal contact. Children who are used in prostitution are also used for the making of pornography. Many paedophiles film their sexual intercourse with minors, and then distribute it on the Internet.
ECPAT: Fifth Report on implementation of the Agenda for Action [DOC]
[B] COUNTRY UPDATES – CZECH REPUBLIC – In July 2000, the Czech Government approved the National Plan for the Fight Against Commercial Child Sex Abuse, as developed by the Ministry of Interior-Prevention of Criminality Department. The plan has four main objectives and each one lists proposed measures, implementing institutions and expected results. The objectives are: improving the legislative framework; improving cooperation in the areas of education and prevention (law enforcers, educational institutions, etc.); enhancing the effectiveness of criminal prosecution and reinforcing the protection of victims and witnesses and the process of victim re-socialisation.
Report by Special Rapporteur - 2003
[37] In July 2002, amendments were made to the Penal Code to bring Czech law concerning trafficking of children and child pornography into line with European law and the OP/SOC, which is expected to be ratified soon. The procurement of children for prostitution, or the profit from child prostitution is punishable under the Penal Code, and the phenomenon is particularly problematic in large urban areas and in the regions bordering Germany and Austria. Children do not incur liability for their involvement in these offences, except where a child, from the age of 15, procures another child for prostitution, or disseminates child pornography.
Children Still at Risk - 2005
In Germany, UNICEF and ECPAT criticize the authorities for not keeping the promises made in November 2003. After the publication of the original KARO report.
UNICEF Stirs Controversy With Claims Of Widespread Child Prostitution - 2003 Report
For 12-year-old Karel, it was poverty that drove him into prostitution. "Before, I used to beg from the Germans in their cars. We have no money at home," he told social workers. "Then I just drove away with them." Karel is just one of a growing number of boys and girls living off prostitution in the Czech-German border area, according to a report released yesterday by the UN International Children's Education Fund (UNICEF) and ECPAT, an international children's rights organization.
Child-Prostitution Claims Disputed but UNICEF Stands by its Report
In late October the German branch of UNICEF released a report by the German social-work agency KARO asserting that the borderlands are home to widespread pedophilia and child prostitution. Czech officials said that KARO is home to a self-promoting writer seeking to exploit the issue for publicity purposes.
Tourist Authority, Police Target Sex Tourists
Months after an explosive report portrayed Czech border towns as havens for underage sex, the Czech Tourist Authority (CTA) and police have begun a campaign that puts pay-for-sex pedophiles on notice and attempts to steer them toward the country's more wholesome attractions.
Czech Challenge To Child Prostitution
Details have been emerging of a new plan drawn up by the Czech Republic to combat child prostitution. The plan follows criticism by Germany, which has accused the Czechs of not doing enough to co-operate in the fight against sex tourism. The Czech Republic is considered to be one of the biggest centers for pedophile activity in Europe. The government plan calls for the issue of child prostitution to be included in sex education in schools. A spokesman said the idea was to make children more aware of the problem.
German Campaign Against Child Prostitution In The Czech Republic
The German government has launched a campaign to fight child prostitution in the Czech Republic, with leaflets and posters warning of the harsh sentences that await those who have sex with children either in Germany or the Czech Republic.
Up To Ten Thousand Czech Children Go Missing Every Year
Although most missing children are found, in the short time they spend out on the streets, they are at a very high risk of being abused. Most of them are street children without any money or food and they are prepared to accept any offer in order to survive even to be in a pornographic video tape or be clients of pedophiles."
Pedophilia in the Czech Republic
The town of Cheb in the Czech Republic is well known as a beautiful place, its old town square full of pastel-washed houses dating back to the eleventh century. But in recent years, it's gained a different reputation - as a centre for child prostitution. Reporters working undercover for the Today program were offered girls of 9 and 11 for sex when they posed as German tourists.
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Czech Republic
[ Country-by-Country Reports ]
The Czech Republic [map], located in central Europe, is bordered by Slovakia (E), Austria (S), Germany (W), and Poland (N). Prague is its capital and largest city. The Czech Republic is one of the most stable and prosperous of the post-Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe. Growth in 2000-04 was supported by exports to the EU, primarily to Germany, and a strong recovery of foreign and domestic investment.
CAUTION: The following links and accompanying text have been culled from the web to illuminate the situation in Czech Republic. Some of these links may lead to websites that present allegations that are unsubstantiated, misleading or even false. No attempt has been made to validate their authenticity or to verify their content.
ECPAT – On-line form for reporting child prostitution and other sexual offences against children
Quick Search for Missing Children - Select Gender, Czech Republic, and Years Missing
UNICEF - Country Statistics
National Plan of Action
U.S. Dept of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs
GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND PROGRAMS TO ELIMINATE THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR - The Government adopted the National Plan Combating Commercial Sexual Abuse in July 2000, and the Interior Ministry’s Crime Prevention Division launched a national media campaign on the dangers of trafficking, and a school-based awareness program for children aged 13 to 14 years.
INCIDENCE AND NATURE OF CHILD LABOR - The popular press and government reports indicate that commercial sexual exploitation, including the involvement of children in sex tourism, is a problem. There are some reports of internal trafficking of Czech children from areas of low employment near border regions with Germany and Austria. In addition, girls from the former Soviet Union, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East are trafficked to the Czech Republic for sexual exploitation
Bur of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor - Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2005
CHILDREN - Children were engaged in prostitution for survival without third party involvement. NGOs have reported that many teenage prostitutes were either runaways or products of orphanages and the foster care system. Some NGOs asserted that orphanages did not prepare young teens adequately to be self‑sufficient upon reaching legal adulthood. A special police team was formed in 2004 specifically to deal with the sexual exploitation of children in Cheb, a town on the German border where sex tourism was a problem.
Male adolescents, some as young as 13 years old, engaged in prostitution for survival. NGOs that worked with these children attributed the problem to a dysfunctional foster care system that failed to provide adequate job skills for a modern economy while preventing unwanted children from being adopted by capable parents.
Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) - 2003
[60] The Committee welcomes:
(a) The establishment in spring of 2002 of a trilateral Czech-German-Polish working group to address, inter alia, trafficking in human beings, in particular the sexual exploitation of children for prostitution occurring in these areas;
(b) The information contained in the State party’s report (paras. 334 and 335) on social, preventive and re-socialization programs for victims of sexual exploitation, as well as the adoption in July 2000 of the National Plan to Fight Commercial Sexual Abuse of Children and amendments to the Criminal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure made in 2002;
(c) The significant work done by NGOs in this field.
The squalid truth about call girl lit
When Aneta was offered a job across the border from her Czech village, she jumped at the chance. The pretty 17-year-old was to be a nanny for a rich family. Petr, the handsome man who recruited her, promised she would travel with them to London, America even. "You'll get to practise your English," he joked. The next day Aneta, along with ten other local girls, met Petr on the edge of their village, handed over their passports and climbed into a waiting people carrier. It was to be the longest journey of their lives.
Hours later when the van came to a juddering halt, instead of a family, a group of rough-looking men were waiting. They had guns and dogs, which they used to bundle the girls, some as young as 14, out of the van and into a dank cellar where they ordered them to strip naked and stand in line. The men moved along the line grabbing the women roughly, inspecting their teeth, their breasts and between their legs. The girls were crying. "We were just horseflesh," Aneta recalls. Each was dragged from the room at gunpoint and gang raped. Within days they were smuggled across Europe to work in brothels.
Joint East West Research on Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes in Europe: The Sending Countries [PDF]
[page 33] A phenomenon in the Czech Republic, described by the NGO ENYA, is the so-called "gayfriendly family houses", where sex tourists can rent rooms and along with the room they get a prostituted minor boy. Many young boys also travel abroad for short periods with tourists from Austria, Germany, Greece and other places. Clients are described in the report as mostly ‘normal’ citizens, average men, from all social classes, but mainly middle class. There is a special group of clients who are paedophiles, and they come from all over the world, but are mostly German. The Czech Vice Squad says that ‘very high’ prices are paid by paedophiles for prostitutes who are less than 15 years of age. The purchase of very young children for €20,000 is mentioned in the research. But some children are paid with sweets or toys.
Clients get information from the Internet, and from personal contact. Children who are used in prostitution are also used for the making of pornography. Many paedophiles film their sexual intercourse with minors, and then distribute it on the Internet.
ECPAT: Fifth Report on implementation of the Agenda for Action [DOC]
[B] COUNTRY UPDATES – CZECH REPUBLIC – In July 2000, the Czech Government approved the National Plan for the Fight Against Commercial Child Sex Abuse, as developed by the Ministry of Interior-Prevention of Criminality Department. The plan has four main objectives and each one lists proposed measures, implementing institutions and expected results. The objectives are: improving the legislative framework; improving cooperation in the areas of education and prevention (law enforcers, educational institutions, etc.); enhancing the effectiveness of criminal prosecution and reinforcing the protection of victims and witnesses and the process of victim re-socialisation.
Report by Special Rapporteur - 2003
[37] In July 2002, amendments were made to the Penal Code to bring Czech law concerning trafficking of children and child pornography into line with European law and the OP/SOC, which is expected to be ratified soon. The procurement of children for prostitution, or the profit from child prostitution is punishable under the Penal Code, and the phenomenon is particularly problematic in large urban areas and in the regions bordering Germany and Austria. Children do not incur liability for their involvement in these offences, except where a child, from the age of 15, procures another child for prostitution, or disseminates child pornography.
Children Still at Risk - 2005
In Germany, UNICEF and ECPAT criticize the authorities for not keeping the promises made in November 2003. After the publication of the original KARO report.
UNICEF Stirs Controversy With Claims Of Widespread Child Prostitution - 2003 Report
For 12-year-old Karel, it was poverty that drove him into prostitution. "Before, I used to beg from the Germans in their cars. We have no money at home," he told social workers. "Then I just drove away with them." Karel is just one of a growing number of boys and girls living off prostitution in the Czech-German border area, according to a report released yesterday by the UN International Children's Education Fund (UNICEF) and ECPAT, an international children's rights organization.
Child-Prostitution Claims Disputed but UNICEF Stands by its Report
In late October the German branch of UNICEF released a report by the German social-work agency KARO asserting that the borderlands are home to widespread pedophilia and child prostitution. Czech officials said that KARO is home to a self-promoting writer seeking to exploit the issue for publicity purposes.
Tourist Authority, Police Target Sex Tourists
Months after an explosive report portrayed Czech border towns as havens for underage sex, the Czech Tourist Authority (CTA) and police have begun a campaign that puts pay-for-sex pedophiles on notice and attempts to steer them toward the country's more wholesome attractions.
Czech Challenge To Child Prostitution
Details have been emerging of a new plan drawn up by the Czech Republic to combat child prostitution. The plan follows criticism by Germany, which has accused the Czechs of not doing enough to co-operate in the fight against sex tourism. The Czech Republic is considered to be one of the biggest centers for pedophile activity in Europe. The government plan calls for the issue of child prostitution to be included in sex education in schools. A spokesman said the idea was to make children more aware of the problem.
German Campaign Against Child Prostitution In The Czech Republic
The German government has launched a campaign to fight child prostitution in the Czech Republic, with leaflets and posters warning of the harsh sentences that await those who have sex with children either in Germany or the Czech Republic.
Up To Ten Thousand Czech Children Go Missing Every Year
Although most missing children are found, in the short time they spend out on the streets, they are at a very high risk of being abused. Most of them are street children without any money or food and they are prepared to accept any offer in order to survive even to be in a pornographic video tape or be clients of pedophiles."
Pedophilia in the Czech Republic
The town of Cheb in the Czech Republic is well known as a beautiful place, its old town square full of pastel-washed houses dating back to the eleventh century. But in recent years, it's gained a different reputation - as a centre for child prostitution. Reporters working undercover for the Today program were offered girls of 9 and 11 for sex when they posed as German tourists.
Paedophilia in the Czech Republic
by Today reporter Sanchia Berg.
The town of Cheb in the Czech Republic is well known as a beautiful place, its old town square full of pastel-washed houses dating back to the eleventh century. But in recent years, it's gained a different reputation - as a centre for child prostitution. Reporters working undercover for the Today programme were offered girls of 9 and 11 for sex when they posed as German tourists. And the head of a German charity claims she has seen with her own eyes babies being handed into german cars "obviously for customers". Katrin Schauer has been working with prostitutes in Cheb for nearly eight years. She says the majority of children offering sex are young teenagers, but she and her colleagues have seen far younger children standing by the side of the street, accompanied by adults who signal to passing German cars. She believes the town now attracts paedophiles from across Western Europe. She has been told of "customers" from Holland, Austria and Switzerland, as well as Germany. She says in the past, there would be clear signals in houses where children were being offered -- a child's shoe in the window of an apartment for example. But now that prostitution is more established, the customers seem to know exactly where to go. A German journalist, Rudiger Rossig, posed as a sex tourist for the Today programme, secretly recording his conversations. He didn't even need to go into one of the scores of brothels in the small town. As he walked along a quiet city centre street, at 11pm, accompanied by a colleague based in Prague, he was approached by a small, dark man, with a teenage girl by his side. He who asked in German whether he would be interested in "something". Rossig suggested his colleague might be interested in younger girls. The man said he could provide two girls of 9 and 11 for €180 Euros (about £120),and suggested the two men accompany him to an apartment. Rossig asked whether the girls could instead be brought to an Irish bar, on the street where they were talking. To his surprise the man agreed, but insisted payment would have to be made, whether Rossig took the girls or not. At this point, Rossig decided to make his excuses and leave, but the pimp and his associates started to threaten him. Rossig and his colleague made a token payment and managed to sprint out of the bar. The following morning I recounted the episode to the town mayor, Jan Svoboda. He said that this was a common confidence trick, and he doubted any child would have been provided. He said that the problem of child prostitution had been "overplayed". He said that it was a difficult issue to tackle because "girls of 13, 14 they're pretty much grown up...so the question is, what age are you talking about?" The legal age of consent in the Czech republic is 15. The pimp had told Rossig that there was "no problem" with the police in Cheb, and even the interior ministry in Prague do not see prostitution as a priority, according to Superintendent John Mottram, currently working as an advisor to the Czech govenrment on organised crime. "Unfortunately", he told me ,"they're not devoting the kind of attention to it which I think they should". Superintendent Mottram believes that in the long term, Czech membership of the European Union will end the problem of child prostitution. But in the shorter term, Katrin Schauer is more apprehensive. She worries that as border controls are relaxed, sex tourists will be able to take children out of the Czech republic to their home states - and maybe even traffic them on from there. LINKS Czech GovernmentPlease Note:The BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites
by Today reporter Sanchia Berg.
The town of Cheb in the Czech Republic is well known as a beautiful place, its old town square full of pastel-washed houses dating back to the eleventh century. But in recent years, it's gained a different reputation - as a centre for child prostitution. Reporters working undercover for the Today programme were offered girls of 9 and 11 for sex when they posed as German tourists. And the head of a German charity claims she has seen with her own eyes babies being handed into german cars "obviously for customers". Katrin Schauer has been working with prostitutes in Cheb for nearly eight years. She says the majority of children offering sex are young teenagers, but she and her colleagues have seen far younger children standing by the side of the street, accompanied by adults who signal to passing German cars. She believes the town now attracts paedophiles from across Western Europe. She has been told of "customers" from Holland, Austria and Switzerland, as well as Germany. She says in the past, there would be clear signals in houses where children were being offered -- a child's shoe in the window of an apartment for example. But now that prostitution is more established, the customers seem to know exactly where to go. A German journalist, Rudiger Rossig, posed as a sex tourist for the Today programme, secretly recording his conversations. He didn't even need to go into one of the scores of brothels in the small town. As he walked along a quiet city centre street, at 11pm, accompanied by a colleague based in Prague, he was approached by a small, dark man, with a teenage girl by his side. He who asked in German whether he would be interested in "something". Rossig suggested his colleague might be interested in younger girls. The man said he could provide two girls of 9 and 11 for €180 Euros (about £120),and suggested the two men accompany him to an apartment. Rossig asked whether the girls could instead be brought to an Irish bar, on the street where they were talking. To his surprise the man agreed, but insisted payment would have to be made, whether Rossig took the girls or not. At this point, Rossig decided to make his excuses and leave, but the pimp and his associates started to threaten him. Rossig and his colleague made a token payment and managed to sprint out of the bar. The following morning I recounted the episode to the town mayor, Jan Svoboda. He said that this was a common confidence trick, and he doubted any child would have been provided. He said that the problem of child prostitution had been "overplayed". He said that it was a difficult issue to tackle because "girls of 13, 14 they're pretty much grown up...so the question is, what age are you talking about?" The legal age of consent in the Czech republic is 15. The pimp had told Rossig that there was "no problem" with the police in Cheb, and even the interior ministry in Prague do not see prostitution as a priority, according to Superintendent John Mottram, currently working as an advisor to the Czech govenrment on organised crime. "Unfortunately", he told me ,"they're not devoting the kind of attention to it which I think they should". Superintendent Mottram believes that in the long term, Czech membership of the European Union will end the problem of child prostitution. But in the shorter term, Katrin Schauer is more apprehensive. She worries that as border controls are relaxed, sex tourists will be able to take children out of the Czech republic to their home states - and maybe even traffic them on from there. LINKS Czech GovernmentPlease Note:The BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites
Israeli diplomat arrested on suspicion of pedophiliaFollowing undercover investigation, Israeli who works for Consulate in Atlanta arrested and charged with computer offences and exploitation of childrenYitzhak Benhorin
WASHINGTON– An Israeli diplomat, Yosef Sagiv, was arrested Friday in the American city of Atlanta on suspicion of computer related offences linked to pornography and the sexual exploitation of children.
Captain Steve Morris, of the Columbia District Police in Georgia, told Ynet that the arrestee was a worker in the Israeli Consulate. He was arrested upon leaving his home and transferred into custody at a distance from Atlanta.
Daniel Craig, the District Attorney of Augusta, in the state of Georgia, announced that Sagiv used the internet and email in order to persuade a child to carry out illegal acts such as sodomy and severe sexual abuse.
The investigation has been going on for a considerable time by the Sherriff's Department of the Columbia district in Georgia, as well as other government agencies such as the FBI. With that, the suspect was arrested only on Thursday after an indictment was approved. According to the decree, a search of the suspect's home was also carried out.
The Foreign Ministry said in response that they were aware of the episode and were looking into details. It was also said that the suspect holds a diplomatic license but is not an employee of the Foreign Ministry.
This is not the first time that the Foreign Ministry has had to deal with embarrassing episodes: Three years ago the Israeli Consul in Sao Paolo, Aryeh Sher, was arrested due to suspicions that his computer held pornographic material.
Roee Nahmias contributed to this report
WASHINGTON– An Israeli diplomat, Yosef Sagiv, was arrested Friday in the American city of Atlanta on suspicion of computer related offences linked to pornography and the sexual exploitation of children.
Captain Steve Morris, of the Columbia District Police in Georgia, told Ynet that the arrestee was a worker in the Israeli Consulate. He was arrested upon leaving his home and transferred into custody at a distance from Atlanta.
Daniel Craig, the District Attorney of Augusta, in the state of Georgia, announced that Sagiv used the internet and email in order to persuade a child to carry out illegal acts such as sodomy and severe sexual abuse.
The investigation has been going on for a considerable time by the Sherriff's Department of the Columbia district in Georgia, as well as other government agencies such as the FBI. With that, the suspect was arrested only on Thursday after an indictment was approved. According to the decree, a search of the suspect's home was also carried out.
The Foreign Ministry said in response that they were aware of the episode and were looking into details. It was also said that the suspect holds a diplomatic license but is not an employee of the Foreign Ministry.
This is not the first time that the Foreign Ministry has had to deal with embarrassing episodes: Three years ago the Israeli Consul in Sao Paolo, Aryeh Sher, was arrested due to suspicions that his computer held pornographic material.
Roee Nahmias contributed to this report
European intelligence leads to arrest of Israeli pedophilesInterpol tip-off leads to arrest of four men from northern Israel accused of distributing pedophilic content online. Rise in reports of Israelis dealing in explicit material involving minors grew over past few weeks Sharon Roffe-Ofir
Dozens of Israelis across the country are distributing pedophilic content over the World Wide Web, so indicate reports coming from Germany and Spain via the international police organization Interpol.
These reports ultimately reached the Israeli Police Department’s Northern District Fraud Unit, who arrested four suspects in this internet pedophilia ring. The four were questioned, and quickly confessed to distributing the illicit material. “This is obviously a sick and unnatural phenomena, and whoever engages in such activities probably does so due to disturbing events in his or her past,” said Northern Fraud Unit Director, Superintendent Aharon Gal-Or.
Over the past few weeks there have been many reports of Israeli citizens distributing photos and movie of a sexual nature involving minors over the internet. “The system in place today is highly sophisticated. As soon as someone logs into the World Wide Web, a little flag pops up next to his user name indicating the country from where the illicit material is being sent,” noted Gal-Or. “That is how we can track down individuals who distribute this type of child pornography.”
Four suspects in this case were arrested Sunday after internet service providers divulged their names and addresses to police.
Two of the suspects, aged 34 and 40 respectively, are residents of Haifa. Another suspect is a 48-year-old Galilee resident, married and father to several children. A final suspect is a professional military man from the northern valley region.
“One of the suspects confessed that he was sexually abused as a child. I assume that whoever engages in such activities has a rather troubled past,” said Gal-Or. The four suspects will be arraigned Sunday.
Dozens of Israelis across the country are distributing pedophilic content over the World Wide Web, so indicate reports coming from Germany and Spain via the international police organization Interpol.
These reports ultimately reached the Israeli Police Department’s Northern District Fraud Unit, who arrested four suspects in this internet pedophilia ring. The four were questioned, and quickly confessed to distributing the illicit material. “This is obviously a sick and unnatural phenomena, and whoever engages in such activities probably does so due to disturbing events in his or her past,” said Northern Fraud Unit Director, Superintendent Aharon Gal-Or.
Over the past few weeks there have been many reports of Israeli citizens distributing photos and movie of a sexual nature involving minors over the internet. “The system in place today is highly sophisticated. As soon as someone logs into the World Wide Web, a little flag pops up next to his user name indicating the country from where the illicit material is being sent,” noted Gal-Or. “That is how we can track down individuals who distribute this type of child pornography.”
Four suspects in this case were arrested Sunday after internet service providers divulged their names and addresses to police.
Two of the suspects, aged 34 and 40 respectively, are residents of Haifa. Another suspect is a 48-year-old Galilee resident, married and father to several children. A final suspect is a professional military man from the northern valley region.
“One of the suspects confessed that he was sexually abused as a child. I assume that whoever engages in such activities has a rather troubled past,” said Gal-Or. The four suspects will be arraigned Sunday.
Court okays extradition of haredi suspected of pedophilia Abraham Mondrowitz, 60, was arrested in Jerusalem in November for allegedly abusing dozens of children at his unlicensed private clinic at his Brooklyn home during the 80s Associated Press
An Israeli court on Sunday approved extradition to the US of an American Orthodox Jew wanted on suspicion of multiple sexual attacks two decades ago, the Justice Ministry said.
Abraham Mondrowitz, 60, a member of the Gur Hasidic Jewish sect, was arrested in Jerusalem in November for allegedly abusing dozens of children at his unlicensed private clinic at his Brooklyn, New York home during the 1980s. He fled to Israel in 1985 as police were investigating charges against him.
Israeli Justice Ministry spokesman Moshe Cohen said the Jerusalem District Court approved the extradition order, but Mondrowitz has the right to appeal. Court spokeswoman Tal Rosner said the state would make the final decision about whether to extradite Mondrowitz, who could appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court against Sunday's ruling.
Last September, the United States resubmitted an extradition request first made in 1985, months after Mondrowitz fled Brooklyn for Israel.
The renewed US request came after Israel and the United States amended their extradition treaty to include all crimes whose punishment is more than one year imprisonment, according to the Israeli state prosecutor's office. Before the change that took effect a year ago, the extradition treaty between Israel and the United States did not include sodomy.
An Israeli court on Sunday approved extradition to the US of an American Orthodox Jew wanted on suspicion of multiple sexual attacks two decades ago, the Justice Ministry said.
Abraham Mondrowitz, 60, a member of the Gur Hasidic Jewish sect, was arrested in Jerusalem in November for allegedly abusing dozens of children at his unlicensed private clinic at his Brooklyn, New York home during the 1980s. He fled to Israel in 1985 as police were investigating charges against him.
Israeli Justice Ministry spokesman Moshe Cohen said the Jerusalem District Court approved the extradition order, but Mondrowitz has the right to appeal. Court spokeswoman Tal Rosner said the state would make the final decision about whether to extradite Mondrowitz, who could appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court against Sunday's ruling.
Last September, the United States resubmitted an extradition request first made in 1985, months after Mondrowitz fled Brooklyn for Israel.
The renewed US request came after Israel and the United States amended their extradition treaty to include all crimes whose punishment is more than one year imprisonment, according to the Israeli state prosecutor's office. Before the change that took effect a year ago, the extradition treaty between Israel and the United States did not include sodomy.
Why the leniency for pedophiles?Filed under Israeli politics, Crime, News, Children, Sex industry on 2/13/2008 By: .
According to data disclosed at this week's Beersheba Conference on Child Welfare, some 2,500 complaints are filed annually in Israel regarding sexual assaults against minors under 14. Dr. Yitzhak Kadman, executive director of the National Council for the Child, paints a darker picture yet, estimating that over the past several years no fewer than 100,000 of this country's children have suffered some degree of sexual molestation. Most cases never reach the courts and most offenders aren't brought to justice. Yet in those that are, sentences meted out to pedophiles tend to be exceptionally lenient. Even hardcore repeat offenders are hardly supervised after they are released back to society. Legislation adopted to keep track of them remains largely unimplemented. Studies conducted recently for the council, Kadman reported, indicated that not only do judges sometimes impose ludicrously mild punishments for pedophilia but they often fail to impose even the minimum stipulated by law. Incomprehensibly, punishment for offenses against children tends to be significantly lighter than for offenses against adults. The lightest penalties are reserved for crimes within the family. The greatest leniency appears in plea bargains. While judges sometimes criticize such bargains, they nevertheless (in 99% of the cases, according to Kadman) acquiesce to them. This despite the fact that legislation enacted a decade ago fixed minimum sentences for certain sex crimes. Moreover, the law demands a clear explanation in cases where the minimum is disregarded. Yet council research found only two cases in the past three years in which judges bothered to account for extra lenient sentencing. One of the cases cited was of a teacher who molested his 13-year-old female student. He was given six months community service and another 14 months' probationary sentence. By law he could have been imprisoned for up to seven years. But the judges' lapses aren't the only problem. The entire system seems to make a mockery of the law. Some 300 convicted sex offenders, most of them pedophiles, are released from prison each year and, despite existing legislation, aren't supervised. Most are repeat offenders. Of the 300, two-thirds are judged as "seriously dangerous." A 2006 law which mandated careful evaluation of each sex offender eligible for release, and close supervision following said release, essentially remains on paper only. The cause: budgetary constraints. Health Ministry psychiatrists complain that a lack of manpower limits evaluations. When these are made, they are completed late, after the offender has been set loose. The ministry reported to the Knesset Law Committee recently that even when evaluations meet deadlines, the prosecution does not apply for court-ordered supervision and closes cases of some dangerous offenders. Thus the authorities have no way of gauging how many menaces they release into the vulnerable population. Of Israel's currently imprisoned 1,200 sex offenders, some 50 are behind bars for the sixth time or more. About 25 percent are thought likely to strike again, though that is almost certainly an underestimate: the highest recidivism rates are among pedophiles. Although the 2006 law has yet to be applied, complimentary legislation is being piled on. The Knesset recently approved a bill by Shelly Yacimovich forbidding the employment of sex offender ex-cons in schools and institutions for the disabled. Michael Eitan's pending bill would regulate rehabilitation services for ex-cons, while another legislative initiative, by Eli Aflalo, would set up a nationwide offender register, accessible to members of the public to forewarn them of past offenders in their vicinity. The latter two bills still have a long legislative route ahead before they are ratified. But what then? A law that decorates our legal codes but isn't put into effect is a dead letter. It fails to protect those most in need, and becomes a demoralizing travesty that further corrodes the citizenry's trust in the system - especially when those who disrespect legal strictures include the judges themselves. "The Knesset," as Kadman put it, "insisted on minimum sentences because it perceived the existing situation as too lax and as lacking any real deterrent or protection value. But the judiciary seems to be telling the legislature that 'you can stipulate what you wish but we will do as we please.' Judges abhor guidelines." It is not just the police who are charged with protecting children from sexual predators, but the entire judicial system. If judges do not want more guidelines, they had better do a better job of enforcing the law themselves.
Jerusalem Post
According to data disclosed at this week's Beersheba Conference on Child Welfare, some 2,500 complaints are filed annually in Israel regarding sexual assaults against minors under 14. Dr. Yitzhak Kadman, executive director of the National Council for the Child, paints a darker picture yet, estimating that over the past several years no fewer than 100,000 of this country's children have suffered some degree of sexual molestation. Most cases never reach the courts and most offenders aren't brought to justice. Yet in those that are, sentences meted out to pedophiles tend to be exceptionally lenient. Even hardcore repeat offenders are hardly supervised after they are released back to society. Legislation adopted to keep track of them remains largely unimplemented. Studies conducted recently for the council, Kadman reported, indicated that not only do judges sometimes impose ludicrously mild punishments for pedophilia but they often fail to impose even the minimum stipulated by law. Incomprehensibly, punishment for offenses against children tends to be significantly lighter than for offenses against adults. The lightest penalties are reserved for crimes within the family. The greatest leniency appears in plea bargains. While judges sometimes criticize such bargains, they nevertheless (in 99% of the cases, according to Kadman) acquiesce to them. This despite the fact that legislation enacted a decade ago fixed minimum sentences for certain sex crimes. Moreover, the law demands a clear explanation in cases where the minimum is disregarded. Yet council research found only two cases in the past three years in which judges bothered to account for extra lenient sentencing. One of the cases cited was of a teacher who molested his 13-year-old female student. He was given six months community service and another 14 months' probationary sentence. By law he could have been imprisoned for up to seven years. But the judges' lapses aren't the only problem. The entire system seems to make a mockery of the law. Some 300 convicted sex offenders, most of them pedophiles, are released from prison each year and, despite existing legislation, aren't supervised. Most are repeat offenders. Of the 300, two-thirds are judged as "seriously dangerous." A 2006 law which mandated careful evaluation of each sex offender eligible for release, and close supervision following said release, essentially remains on paper only. The cause: budgetary constraints. Health Ministry psychiatrists complain that a lack of manpower limits evaluations. When these are made, they are completed late, after the offender has been set loose. The ministry reported to the Knesset Law Committee recently that even when evaluations meet deadlines, the prosecution does not apply for court-ordered supervision and closes cases of some dangerous offenders. Thus the authorities have no way of gauging how many menaces they release into the vulnerable population. Of Israel's currently imprisoned 1,200 sex offenders, some 50 are behind bars for the sixth time or more. About 25 percent are thought likely to strike again, though that is almost certainly an underestimate: the highest recidivism rates are among pedophiles. Although the 2006 law has yet to be applied, complimentary legislation is being piled on. The Knesset recently approved a bill by Shelly Yacimovich forbidding the employment of sex offender ex-cons in schools and institutions for the disabled. Michael Eitan's pending bill would regulate rehabilitation services for ex-cons, while another legislative initiative, by Eli Aflalo, would set up a nationwide offender register, accessible to members of the public to forewarn them of past offenders in their vicinity. The latter two bills still have a long legislative route ahead before they are ratified. But what then? A law that decorates our legal codes but isn't put into effect is a dead letter. It fails to protect those most in need, and becomes a demoralizing travesty that further corrodes the citizenry's trust in the system - especially when those who disrespect legal strictures include the judges themselves. "The Knesset," as Kadman put it, "insisted on minimum sentences because it perceived the existing situation as too lax and as lacking any real deterrent or protection value. But the judiciary seems to be telling the legislature that 'you can stipulate what you wish but we will do as we please.' Judges abhor guidelines." It is not just the police who are charged with protecting children from sexual predators, but the entire judicial system. If judges do not want more guidelines, they had better do a better job of enforcing the law themselves.
Jerusalem Post
sabato 1 marzo 2008
Friday, January 22, 1999 Published at 13:34
GMT World: South AsiaIndia's hidden incest By South Asia Correspondent Daniel Lak
Close-knit family life in India masks an alarming amount of sexual abuse of children and teenage girls by family members, a new report suggests.
Daniel Lak speaks to women from the report who have suffered rape at the hands of male relativesDelhi organisation RAHI said 76% of respondents to its survey had been abused when they were children - 40% of those by a family member.
The report suggests that disbelief, denial and cover-up to preserve the family reputation is often put before the individual child.
Women who gave evidence to RAHI spoke of the nightmare of abuse that haunts them still.
"Every time my parents went out to a party the bastard used to do it," said one.
Another said: "When I told people in my family about the abuse there was hostility, contempt and anger targeted at me - I became an outcast."
RAHI founder Anjua Gupta said she set up the organisation because she believed sexual abuse was rampant in Indian families and no one was doing anything about it.
"When I started working in this area people used to say 'Where are the Indian statistics?'. It was thought of as a Western phenomenon.
"One of the reasons there hasn't been any data collection is because it is not considered to be an Indian problem."
The report, Voices from the Silent Zone, suggests that nearly three-quarters of upper and middle class Indian women are abused by a family member - more than often an uncle, a cousin or an elder brother.
Disbelief, denial and cover-up
Incest and child sexual abuse occurs everywhere.
Psychiatrist Achal Baghat says the particular problem in India is that the concept of family is almost sacred, and abuse, if it happens, is met with disbelief.
"I think there is a great myth about Indian family systems being supportive," he says.
"What do you do if you're the mother in a family where the child is being abused? You do not have that much power to do anything about the abuse.
"Generally there is this thing about harming the name of the family. This need to prevent the family being laughed at leads to a lot of cover-ups."
Women on a pedestal
Activists in the field say the position of women in India is another problem. Society puts them on a pedestal as mothers and wives, but doesn't allow for their protection from domestic abuse.
Voices from the Silent Zone pinpoints another problem facing victims of abuse in India - the complete absence of any structure outside the family to help with abuse.
Achal Baghat says he often faces the grimmest of choices when considering how to help the victim.
"What is there if not the family? Where are the other support systems? There aren't any. There might be a few NGOs working in India - but can they really cope?
"The juvenile homes, the social support system is so lacking and so insensitive to the children, that I wouldn't be sure what is worse - to stay with an abusive family, or the environment the system would put them in."
Changing the law
In India, there is no specific law covering sexual abuse of children by strangers, let alone by family members. The legal definition of rape calls for proof that the rapist actually penetrated a victim, even a young child.
Judges have even said that it is impossible for fathers to rape their daughters, despite evidence to the contrary.
In the end, all Indian counsellors and activists can do to help victims of abuse is convince them that nothing has been their fault; that they are a survivor of a damaging, but not necessarily fatal experience, and they can continue to live life - never forgetting what happened to them, but getting on with it.
Everyone who works with victims and survivors of abuse agrees that awareness begins in the schoolyard. But in a profoundly conservative society like India, raising such sensitive issues in school would be controversial.
The chances that more than half of India's schoolgirls have experienced or will experience sexual abuse remain very high.
Family facts of the abused
68% were living in nuclear families
16% in semi-joint families (nuclear and grandparents)
15% in joint families (extended)
Mothers of the abused
Despite common perception that the mothers of abused children were working, the report said that of those surveyed who said they were abused, 60% of mothers were housewives and 40% were employed.
GMT World: South AsiaIndia's hidden incest By South Asia Correspondent Daniel Lak
Close-knit family life in India masks an alarming amount of sexual abuse of children and teenage girls by family members, a new report suggests.
Daniel Lak speaks to women from the report who have suffered rape at the hands of male relativesDelhi organisation RAHI said 76% of respondents to its survey had been abused when they were children - 40% of those by a family member.
The report suggests that disbelief, denial and cover-up to preserve the family reputation is often put before the individual child.
Women who gave evidence to RAHI spoke of the nightmare of abuse that haunts them still.
"Every time my parents went out to a party the bastard used to do it," said one.
Another said: "When I told people in my family about the abuse there was hostility, contempt and anger targeted at me - I became an outcast."
RAHI founder Anjua Gupta said she set up the organisation because she believed sexual abuse was rampant in Indian families and no one was doing anything about it.
"When I started working in this area people used to say 'Where are the Indian statistics?'. It was thought of as a Western phenomenon.
"One of the reasons there hasn't been any data collection is because it is not considered to be an Indian problem."
The report, Voices from the Silent Zone, suggests that nearly three-quarters of upper and middle class Indian women are abused by a family member - more than often an uncle, a cousin or an elder brother.
Disbelief, denial and cover-up
Incest and child sexual abuse occurs everywhere.
Psychiatrist Achal Baghat says the particular problem in India is that the concept of family is almost sacred, and abuse, if it happens, is met with disbelief.
"I think there is a great myth about Indian family systems being supportive," he says.
"What do you do if you're the mother in a family where the child is being abused? You do not have that much power to do anything about the abuse.
"Generally there is this thing about harming the name of the family. This need to prevent the family being laughed at leads to a lot of cover-ups."
Women on a pedestal
Activists in the field say the position of women in India is another problem. Society puts them on a pedestal as mothers and wives, but doesn't allow for their protection from domestic abuse.
Voices from the Silent Zone pinpoints another problem facing victims of abuse in India - the complete absence of any structure outside the family to help with abuse.
Achal Baghat says he often faces the grimmest of choices when considering how to help the victim.
"What is there if not the family? Where are the other support systems? There aren't any. There might be a few NGOs working in India - but can they really cope?
"The juvenile homes, the social support system is so lacking and so insensitive to the children, that I wouldn't be sure what is worse - to stay with an abusive family, or the environment the system would put them in."
Changing the law
In India, there is no specific law covering sexual abuse of children by strangers, let alone by family members. The legal definition of rape calls for proof that the rapist actually penetrated a victim, even a young child.
Judges have even said that it is impossible for fathers to rape their daughters, despite evidence to the contrary.
In the end, all Indian counsellors and activists can do to help victims of abuse is convince them that nothing has been their fault; that they are a survivor of a damaging, but not necessarily fatal experience, and they can continue to live life - never forgetting what happened to them, but getting on with it.
Everyone who works with victims and survivors of abuse agrees that awareness begins in the schoolyard. But in a profoundly conservative society like India, raising such sensitive issues in school would be controversial.
The chances that more than half of India's schoolgirls have experienced or will experience sexual abuse remain very high.
Family facts of the abused
68% were living in nuclear families
16% in semi-joint families (nuclear and grandparents)
15% in joint families (extended)
Mothers of the abused
Despite common perception that the mothers of abused children were working, the report said that of those surveyed who said they were abused, 60% of mothers were housewives and 40% were employed.
Brother And Sister Want To Get Married
They have four children, the court has convicted them of incest, but they are still fighting for the legalization of their relationship.
Susan (22) and Patrick (29) live together and have four children. They are brother and sister and have been fighting for the legalization of incest for a long time.
Patrick has already spent more than two years in prison because he had sexual relations with his sister, which is forbidden by law, and is a heavy form of incest, and according to his lawyer, another trip to prison is very possible.
“This is denying sexual freedom”
Susan and Patrick will not give up and are planning to appeal to the German constitutional court, written by BBC. Their argument is – they are being denied their sexual freedom.
They met when Patrick was searching for his biological mother
They did not grow up together. Patrick was adopted by a family in Postdam, whilst his sister grew up with his mother. But when he became an adult, he wanted to meet his biological parents.
He found his mother and then he met Susan. Six months later their mother died and Patrick moved in with his sister.
Susan was only 16 when she had her first child
Their son, Eric, was born in 2001 when Susan was only 16, and Patrick was 23. The boy was later taken away from them and adopted by another family. The other children were also, by the force of the law, taken away.
In the period between 2003 and 2005, they had three more children. In 2005, when their last child was born, they were charged with incest.
Patrick was charged with two and a half years in prison, while his sister, who was 21 then, was looked after by the social establishment for young people.
According to the diary of Spiegel, whilst Patrick was in prison, Susan had a fifth child, but with another man.
As the lawyer Endrik Wilhelm said, the brother and sister are living together again and plan on sending an appeal. In the next six months they will try to make their case active, in the hope that the constitutional court will legalize it.
Published: February 21, 2007 22:29h
They have four children, the court has convicted them of incest, but they are still fighting for the legalization of their relationship.
Susan (22) and Patrick (29) live together and have four children. They are brother and sister and have been fighting for the legalization of incest for a long time.
Patrick has already spent more than two years in prison because he had sexual relations with his sister, which is forbidden by law, and is a heavy form of incest, and according to his lawyer, another trip to prison is very possible.
“This is denying sexual freedom”
Susan and Patrick will not give up and are planning to appeal to the German constitutional court, written by BBC. Their argument is – they are being denied their sexual freedom.
They met when Patrick was searching for his biological mother
They did not grow up together. Patrick was adopted by a family in Postdam, whilst his sister grew up with his mother. But when he became an adult, he wanted to meet his biological parents.
He found his mother and then he met Susan. Six months later their mother died and Patrick moved in with his sister.
Susan was only 16 when she had her first child
Their son, Eric, was born in 2001 when Susan was only 16, and Patrick was 23. The boy was later taken away from them and adopted by another family. The other children were also, by the force of the law, taken away.
In the period between 2003 and 2005, they had three more children. In 2005, when their last child was born, they were charged with incest.
Patrick was charged with two and a half years in prison, while his sister, who was 21 then, was looked after by the social establishment for young people.
According to the diary of Spiegel, whilst Patrick was in prison, Susan had a fifth child, but with another man.
As the lawyer Endrik Wilhelm said, the brother and sister are living together again and plan on sending an appeal. In the next six months they will try to make their case active, in the hope that the constitutional court will legalize it.
Published: February 21, 2007 22:29h
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